What is a structural sealant?

24 / 08 / 2022

What is a structural sealant?
Structural sealant is a kind of adhesive, and its main function is definitely bonding, but compared with other adhesives, what are the differences between structural adhesives? First of all, non-structural adhesives have low strength and poor durability, and can only be used for ordinary and temporary bonding, sealing, and fixing, and cannot be used for structural bonding.
The structural adhesive has high strength, peeling resistance, impact resistance, and simple construction process. It is used for bonding metal, ceramics, plastics, rubber, wood and other same materials or between different materials. It can partially replace traditional connection forms such as welding, riveting and bolting. The stress distribution of the joint surface is uniform, and there is no thermal influence and deformation on the parts.
Structural adhesives are also widely used in engineering, mainly used for reinforcement, anchoring, bonding, repairing, etc. , bonding, etc.